Wyoming Tax Incentives

What to do when the Affordable Care Act Impacts Case Settlements:
The Benefits of an Accessibility-Focused Case Evaluation

A White Paper by Michael Fiore

One of the likely unintended consequences of the Affordable Care Act is that Special Need Trusts may be impacted due to settlement criteria that can be based on past, present, and future medical needs.

Read the White Paper

Teleseminars on Disability, Diversity, and the Changing Workforce. One hour of learning that can change the way that you think.

Tech Update: Read an article about the implications of 32-bit and 64-bit processors for Assistive Technology Solutions.

Looking for qualified candidates with disabilities?

A Job Board for job seekers with disabilities and the businesses looking to hire them.

Wyoming Tax Incentives

Page Contents

Assistive Technology Device Reutilization

Wyoming Assistive Technology Resources has a reuse program that provides networking opportunities for individuals to exchange, sell, and recycle lightly-used assistive technology throughout the state of Wyoming.

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Chamber of Commerce

The mission of the Wyoming State Chamber of Commerce is build business in Wyoming through advocacy, education, and communication. The Wyoming State Chamber of Commerce sponsors several programs and initiatives to accomplish this mission and actively advocates for policies that support a healthy business environment throughout the state.

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Financial Resource Guide 2015

The Wyoming Business Council has updated a list of financial resources available to businesses, communities and homeowners in the State of Wyoming.

Financial Resource Guide 2015 PDF

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Individual Development Account

Individual Development Accounts are matched savings accounts that can help you save money towards starting or expanding your own business, purchasing or repairing a home, or continuing your education.

The Individual Development Account Program is designed to help low to moderate income individuals and families leverage a modest income into long lasting prosperity and provide a road-map for social and economic stability. The Wyoming Women's Business Center Individual Development Account Program is available to all Wyoming residents, but primarily consists of women, people of color and people with disabilities. The Wyoming Women's Business Center is particularly committed to working with people with disabilities to improve their overall quality of life through savings and financial literacy in conjunction with assisting individuals to start and expand small businesses within the State of Wyoming.

Individual Development Account Application PDF

Individual Development Account Fast Track Application PDF

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Vocational Rehabilitation

The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services is committed to helping people with disabilities establish and reach vocational goals that help them become productive working citizens. During any given year, the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services' Vocational Rehabilitation Division actively works with more than 4,000 of Wyoming's citizens with disabilities, and, on average, approximately 700 of those citizens successfully complete a rehabilitation program and enter the workforce. For every dollar spent on Vocational Rehabilitation services, a consumer earns, on average, $11 in increased taxable income.

Locations and contact information for each Vocational Rehabilitation office in Wyoming.

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Workforce Development Training Fund

The Workforce Development Training Fund is a unique program that helps employers provide training in their organizations. This Fund has established three different types of grants that address workforce training needs.

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Wyoming Assistive Technology Resources

Wyoming Assistive Technology Resources is a resource for all assistive technology needs in Wyoming. Assistive Technology may be a device or solution that enhances an individual's ability to live, play, or work independently. Assistive Technology can take the form of a device, tool, or adaptation that supports a person when participating in everyday activities and settings.

Wyoming Assistive Technology Resource Brochure PDF

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Wyoming AT4ALL

The Wyoming AT4ALL website is the entry point to assistive and adaptive equipment in Wyoming through Wyoming Assistive Technology Resources and the Anna Maria Weston Therapeutic Equipment Lending Library.

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Wyoming Business Council

The State of Wyoming created the Wyoming Business Council to focus public and private efforts to build a strong job creation base in the new economy with manufacturing and technology as core competencies while strengthening the existing business and industry groups under energy, agriculture, tourism and travel.

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Wyoming Economic Development Association

Wyoming Economic Development Association is a non-profit professional association representing nearly 200 economic development members and organizations. It supports its members through membership benefits, lobbying efforts and educational tools.

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Wyoming Partnership Challenge Loan

The Wyoming Business Council can partner with a local economic development organization so that combined loan proceeds assist a business "third party loan recipient." The state portion of matching funds must be secured, cannot exceed $500,000 and have a maximum loan term of 10 years.

Wyoming Partnership Challenge Loan Fact Sheet PDF

Wyoming Partnership Challenge Loan Rules PDF

Wyoming Partnership Challenge Loan Application – DOC

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